Ik heb nog even naar mijn mails van toen (november 2011) gekeken en blijkbaar was ik niet de enige die toen problemen had met Pollin.
De Duitser waar ik het over had, zat toen in Nürtingen, toch ook niet echt in het noorden. Dit is wat hij toen schreef:
They do not answer via email? This is "normal" for Bavarians. We are the "Sau-Preusen" and so they don't like us.
Voor zover ik weet kon hij wel gewoon bij Pollin bestellen en had hij me aangeboden om voor mij bij Pollin te bestellen en de spullen naar mij door te sturen. Uiteindelijk is het niet doorgegaan omdat ik andere leveranciers had gevonden.
Ik vond ook nog dit op het internet:
Your guess is pretty much spott on "Sau Preusse" or "Sau-Preiss" as a Bavarian would pronounce it is a derogatory word for Northern Germans. It has loads of different tones, and can be used in a fully offensive way and a nice playful way. "Sau" is a female pig by the way, the English word for which escapes me just now.
I find it hard to translate "Sau" into English, as the words that come to mind are too strong in my opionon.
As Bavarians consider anything North of the Donau (for the really strict ones, at least) to be Preussen, regardless of history or other such inconveniences, it is liberally applied to any person hailing from there or even other countries, specifically Northern ones. This line is also called the "Weisswurstäquator", Weisswurst being a Bavarian speciality that you can usually only get South of the WW-equator (or so they want to make you believe)
Despite of their reputation for being grumpy unfriendly people, most Bavarians are quite nice to get along with, and no, we don't eat other people, despite of what you might be told 
[Bericht gewijzigd door
op dinsdag 31 augustus 2021 16:22:00